Flexibility Can Support Organizational Culture

Shauna Begley
2 min readAug 12, 2021

Enabling Work From Anywhere (WFA) doesn’t have to destroy your organizational culture.

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

For those in leadership eager to stampede back to the office post-pandemic, consider the role of flexibility in building a stronger and more inclusive organization.

There is no doubt that we are all struggling with the flatness of our interactions brought on by connecting through screens, voice, and text. And yet, despite our desire for meaningful interactions, we are still reluctant to return to the office.

Is it because we realize that the old ways of building culture did so at the expense of recognizing the unique needs of the individuals in our organization?

The basic structure of the organization was created in the 1960s when the nuclear family reigned. One person worked, another looked after everything “life” related. And those who worked were able to clock in and clock out. Fast forward to today, with technology enabling an “always-on” state and our varied family and support structures. It’s no wonder we are all striving for work-life balance.

The role of culture in organizations will continue to matter. Whether culture is grown intentionally or organically, it affects every aspect of the business. Pre-COVID, we relied on many in-person tools to guide culture — watercooler conversations, symbols, and artifacts. But according to Harvard Business Review, only one of the Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture is tied to being in one place.

Leaders need to rethink how affording people flexibility will revitalize company culture by celebrating and accommodating individual employee needs. It won’t be easy but their team will reward them for it.



Shauna Begley

Empowering individuals and teams of all sizes to shape and embrace their new normal.